Twinned with our proficiency in the field of denture work is our passion for seeing the work being done to a high standard, ensuring maximum comfort and excellent results for your patient. This passion has come about through our work with All on 4, which integrates the core principles, techniques and resources used in making beautiful dentures.
Moreover, being well seasoned in C.D.T. work, we benefit from an understanding of what makes good dentures.
We recognise the gap that’s in the market where denture work is concerned; too often we’ve seen this work being carried out perfunctorily. So as a lab we feel that to give your patient the desired result and aesthetic, denture work can’t be done in half measures.
After having some teething problems ourselves. We have settled into a real groove with some of the most wonderful denture teeth available today, we only use two types of teeth for all of our denture work:
- Heraus teeth (Used for implant retained denture work. Also used by the critically acclaimed Paolo Malo.)
- Mertz teeth.
Strategically strengthened, and known as some of the best-looking and produced teeth on the market.